Published: 3/20/2025
EAA Aviation Museum Receives AAM Re-Accreditation
This week the American Alliance of Museums (AAM) formally granted re-accreditation to the EAA Aviation Museum, recognizing the museum’s dedication to high standards and excellence within the museum co...
Published: 3/20/2025
Bedford Nominated as FAA Chief
Late Monday, President Trump nominated Bryan Bedford, current CEO of Republic Airways, to become FAA administrator. Bedford has more than 30 years of experience in the airline industry, including the ...
Published: 3/13/2025
EAA Ford Tri-Motor 2025 Tour Schedule Announced
Aviation and history enthusiasts can experience firsthand what luxury air travel was like in the 1920s as EAA’s Ford Tri-Motor begins the 2025 tour season in two weeks. The first stop is March 28-30 a...
Published: 3/6/2025
Controversial FAA Medical Policy Postponed
On Friday, February 28, the FAA announced that it would be holding a “listening session” on a controversial new FAA medical policy, postponing its implementation with no new effective date. The policy...
Published: 2/27/2025
The Goal: Me 262 to Oshkosh
The Military Aviation Museum in Virginia Beach, Virginia, has a big goal in mind for an “Only at Oshkosh” moment in 2025: The arrival of its Messerschmitt Me 262 fighter jet reproduction at Wittman Re...
Published: 2/13/2025
Final Piper Rudder AD Rejects Most Community Input
The FAA released the final version of Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2025-02-11. The AD requires the owners of most Piper high-wing aircraft with rudder posts made of 1025 carbon steel to upgrade to a r...
Published: 1/24/2025
EAA Response to AOPA President’s Position on Avgas
The FAA Aircraft Registration Branch has developed and is implementing the ability to electronically issue registration certificates for both aircraft and aircraft dealers. In lieu of physically maile...
Published: 12/5/2024
EAA Evaluating Two New FAA Medical Policy Changes
EAA is evaluating two just-announced changes to FAA medical policies intended to become effective January 1, 2025. The first would significantly alter the deferral process for medical certificates tha...
Published: 10/31/2024
Unleaded High-Octane Avgas Now at Reid-Hillview Airport
This week saw the introduction of G100UL, GAMI’s (General Aviation Modifications, Inc.) unleaded avgas, at California’s Reid-Hillview Airport. The County of Santa Clara has signed a contract with Vito...
Published: 10/24/2024
Questions on MOSAIC? Find the Latest!
While the general aviation community awaits the release of the final MOSAIC rule in 2025, EAA is keeping everyone up to date on what it could mean on many levels of recreational aviation.
Published: 10/17/2024
FAA Issues Stay on Misguided Legal Interpretation
The FAA has informed industry organizations that it is issuing a stay of its recently issued Moss letter of interpretation, which concerns the industry practice of supervising maintenance trainees, sh...
Published: 10/10/2024
Good News for Experimental Accident Totals
September 30 marked the end of the FAA’s fiscal year and with it, the annual conclusion of the annual 12-month tracking of fatal accidents among experimental category aircraft.
Published: 10/3/2024
FAA Publishes Long-Awaited Flight Training Rule
This week the FAA published a long-awaited rule that will make transition training and other specialized instruction easier in experimental, primary, and limited category aircraft.
Published: 9/24/2024
Now more than 2.4 million Young Eagles!
A very active summer of Young Eagles flights has pushed the total number of young people flown past 2.4 million, the latest milestone in what has become the world’s largest youth aviation education pr...
Published: 9/19/2024
Landing Fees: Now With Automation
Automated landing fees are beginning to crop up at general aviation airports in different parts of the country, setting a dangerous precedent for safety as well as privacy.
Published: 9/13/2024
Young Eagles Updates from HQ
There is plenty going on with the Young Eagles program, especially as we transition from peak flying season in the south to peak flying season in the northern portion of the country.
Published: 9/13/2024
In the spirit of full transparency, I wanted to provide an update regarding the Young Eagles Online Registration program (currently known as Young Eagles Day).
Published: 7/27/2024
Gone West: Bruce Bohannon
An EAA favorite and an aviation legend, Bruce Bohannon, EAA 169040, age 66, passed away peacefully in his home from a relatively short bout of cancer on July 24, 2024.
Published: 7/9/2024
Longtime GA Advocate Sen. James Inhofe Goes West
Longtime general aviation advocate and EAA member Sen. (Retired) James Inhofe (R-OK) passed away on Tuesday, July 9, at age 89. Sen. Inhofe retired from the U.S. Senate in 2022 after serving more than...
Published: 5/16/2024
FAA Reauthorization
The U.S. Congress has passed the 2024 FAA Reauthorization Act (H.R. 3935), providing a 5-year authorization for the agency’s programs, revenue collection, and setting many new mandates for national av...
Published: 5/8/2024
Young Eagles – Operating Within Program Guidelines
Operating within the Young Eagles program guidelines is critical to the long-term viability of the program. The insurance extended to EAA to cover the Young Eagles program, including the additional $1...
Published: 5/2/2024
FAA Releases Final Safety Management Systems Rule
Last week, the FAA published a final rule that expands Safety Management System (SMS) requirements to several categories of commercial passenger-carrying operations. Specifically, this rule change wil...
Published: 4/11/2024
CA Legislation Update
EAA recently joined other general aviation associations in letters sent to the California Senate Transportation Committee opposing two bills, SB 1193 and SB 1505.
Published: 3/7/2024
Now is your chance to nominate a Young Eagles volunteer that has gone above and beyond for one of EAA’s annual awards! We count on you to make us aware of all the deserving individuals. EAA and the GA...
Published: 3/7/2024
Happy spring! As the days grow longer, we are ramping up to peak Young Eagles season. With the lead-up to prime flying season (at least for us in the north) there is plenty to be aware of as Young Eag...
Published: 2/22/2024
EAA and VAA File Comments Opposing Piper AD
EAA and the EAA Vintage Aircraft Association filed separate comments opposing a sweeping airworthiness directive proposed by the FAA affecting almost every high-wing vintage Piper aircraft.
Published: 2/15/2024
EAA Leadership at Warbirds Conference
EAA’s leadership in the warbirds community was evident at last week’s National Warbird Operator Conference (NWOC) in Cocoa Beach, Florida.