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Controversial FAA Medical Policy Postponed

On Friday, February 28, the FAA announced that it would be holding a “listening session” on a controversial new FAA medical policy, postponing its implementation with no new effective date. The policy would have caused most incomplete medical applications to be denied pending reconsideration, rather than the current practice of deferring applications while the applicant gathers required information or undergoes additional medical workups.

This is the second time the policy has been delayed. It was previously scheduled to become effective January 1 and was delayed to March 1. EAA helped coordinate a broad coalition of aviation advocacy groups in opposing the policy, citing numerous issues. Chief among these is the risk of an overall chilling effect on interactions with the Office of Aerospace Medicine. The FAA has been making admirable progress on their stated objective of “getting to yes” on as many cases as possible. Starting out with a “no,” even with the promise of quick follow-on action, is concerning to pilot advocates and aviation safety professionals alike.

An increased number of denials, albeit temporary in most cases, would also impact some pilots, such as those who renew prior to the expiry of their previous certificate or pilots who choose to fly recreationally under BasicMed, which does not preclude flying under a deferred medical application as long as other conditions are met. EAA notes that in both cases the airman would need to ensure compliance with the appropriate part of 14 CFR 61.53.

EAA does urge members, despite opposing this measure to stridently address incomplete applications, to submit all pertinent information at the time of initial application. Doing so achieves the FAA’s goal of reducing administrative workload, but more importantly cuts application processing time to a minimum for the airman.

We are working with the community to develop new guidance materials on the medical application process, and we will voice our concerns on the proposed policy on behalf of our members at the forthcoming listening session.

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