Topics include:
- How to begin your flight training
- Tips for saving time and money
- Leveraging flight simulation
- Preparing for the FAA written exam
- Examiner advice for acing the check ride
- And much more!
The event wraps up with local chapter-hosted Flying Start events on May 17, 2025, where aspiring pilots can learn, connect and discover their path to flight training at nearby airports. Don't miss out on the FREE introductory Eagle Flight to cap off the experience!
May 13, 2025
Stop Dreaming and Start Flying - Flight Training First Steps
1 p.m.
So, you’re ready to jump in and begin your flight training, but where do you start? Join EAA staff members as they cover all you need to know to jumpstart your flight training journey. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit.
Kick Start your Flight Training with Virtual Flight Instruction
2:30 p.m.
With the evolution of AI, you can now bring virtual flight instruction to your own home. This new technologly allows you to leverage scenario based training, designed around the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Airman Certification Standards (ACS). Join founder of TakeFlight Interactive, Brandon Seltz, as he teaches you how to best leverage this tool and perfect your at home set-up. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit.
How to Save Time and Money in Flight Training
4 p.m.
Learn what it really takes to learn to fly. Is it difficult? Do I have to deal with higher math? How much testing must I undergo? What is the real total cost of learning to fly? Are there 'hidden costs'? How can I save money along the way? All this and more in this comprehensive look at flight training.
Aircraft Options for Flight Training and Beyond
5:30 p.m.
There is more than one option for accessing an aircraft for flight training. Learn about the various access points to flight training aircraft, and continued access to these aircraft after earning your pilot certificate.
Maximizing Your Flight Training with FAA Approved Simulators
7 p.m.
Learn how flight simulation can be leveraged during your training to help you achieve your goals for less money and in less time. Josh Harnagel from Rebird will share all there is to know, and answer your burning questions. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit.
May 14, 2025
Navigating Pilot Certificates, Medical Requirements, and Privileges
1 p.m.
Are you ready to start your flight training journey, but still have a few questions. What is the difference between a sport and private pilot certificate? What type of medical should I get? How will MOSAIC impact my flight training option? All these questions and more will be covered in this presentation. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit.
Learning to Fly with a Flight Simulator
2:30 p.m.
Flight simulators have exploded in popularity recently. With new software options, impressive flight controls, and EFB app integration, it has never been easier to use a home flight simulator for real training (in addition to fun). In this fast-paced webinar, Chris McGonegle, a commercial pilot and Sporty's flight simulator expert, will discuss how to use simulators as an effective flight training tool. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit.
Pass Your Checkride (Part 1 of 2) – The Oral
4 p.m.
Get your paperwork right so the examiner is happy. Do your homework. Bring everything you need. Learn the common errors in the Oral Quizzing portion, and how to avoid them. You have more control over your practical test than you think. Take advantage of these things, and pass the first time. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit.
Getting Started in Soaring
5:30 p.m.
Soaring is one of the best avenues to get starting in flying. Soaring provides a more affordable entry point, and teaches wonderful energy management along with stick and rudder skills. Join Scott Manley (Certificated Flight Instructor – Glider) who will discusses the best way to get started in soaring. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit.
Pinch Hitter Preview - Progressing from Passenger to PIC
7 p.m.
Do you regularly share your flying experience with a non-pilot? Does he or she wish to help you out with non-flying tasks, or perhaps learn how to land a plane in an emergency? This FAA Safety Team webinar will help you to introduce your companion to training opportunities for reducing your workload, improving safety, and just maybe, saving lives. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit.
May 15, 2025
How to Pass the Private Pilot FAA Written Test in Less Time
1 p.m.
It's something all pilots have to do during training for a Private Pilot license -- pass the FAA Knowledge Test. While this test has gotten a bad rap over the years from some, the reality is it's a non-event when you approach it with the proper mindset and use the right study tools. In this webinar, we'll show how to use tried and true study methods using Sporty's Learn to Fly Course to make the process an engaging and meaningful learning experience, and not just another exercise in rote memorization. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit.
FAA Medical Certification and You
2:30 p.m.
Join EAA Government Relations Director as he covers all things aeromedical related and addresses all your burning FAA medical questions. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit.
Pass Your Checkride (Part 2 of 2) – The Practical Exam
4 p.m.
Do the flight part like a pro. Perform maneuvers in ways that always work. Learn to correct maneuvers that aren’t working out. What will the DPE accept, and what is just flat bad? All this and more, in this detailed flight portion guidance. Includes a quick (5-minute) review of the Paperwork & Oral Quizzing presentation. Fly well, and pass the first time. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit.
Getting Started in Helicopters
5:30 p.m.
Helicopter flying is one of the most unique way to experience the 3-dimensional freedom and exhilaration of the sky. Join retired EAA staff member and helipcopter pilot Joe Norris as he shared tips for getting started. Topics covered include, regulations, costs, training, and plenty of time for Q&A. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit.
Pilot Your Future: Making a Career in Aviation
7 p.m.
Join Elizabeth Bjerke Ph.D., Associate Dean at the John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences and President of the Aviation Accreditation Board International, as she covers what it takes to make a career in aviation. Learn the differences between Part 61 and Part 141 flight training programs, how to set yourself up for a career in the cockpit, and dive into several non-flying focused degrees such as ATC, maintenance, UAS, and management.
Checkout Other EAA Learn to Fly Resources
- EAA Earning Wings Series – Follow along with the entire flight training process, as Brady Lane video blogs each step. You’ll get a front seat view to the instructor selection process, the ups and downs of flight training, and the check ride.
- Sporty’s Learn to Fly Series - Sporty’s has curated more than 80 Learn to Fly video tips that are great for those who are just getting started, knocking off some rust, or looking for a refresher. Available to EAA members only.
- Choosing Your Certificate – Learn about the differences between becoming a private pilot, sport pilot, or an ultralight pilot, and review a step-by-step to taking flight.
May 17, 2024 | 268 Views
Join the EAA Government Relations Director as he covers all things aeromedical-related and addresses all your burning FAA medical questions.
May 17, 2024 | 78 Views
Join retired EAA staff member and helicopter pilot Joe Norris as he shares tips for getting started. Topics covered include regulations, costs, training, and plenty of time for Q&A.
May 17, 2024 | 270 Views
Do the flight part like a pro. Perform maneuvers in ways that always work. Learn to correct maneuvers that aren’t working out. What will the DPE accept, and what is just flat bad? All this and more, in this detailed flight portion guidance.
May 17, 2024 | 106 Views
There is more than one option for accessing an aircraft for flight training. Learn about the various access points to flight training aircraft, and continued access to these aircraft after earning your pilot certificate.
May 16, 2024 | 122 Views
Learn the common errors in the oral quizzing portion, and how to avoid them. You have more control over your practical test than you think. Take advantage of these things, and pass the first time.
May 16, 2024 | 91 Views
Soaring provides a more affordable entry point, and teaches wonderful energy management along with stick and rudder skills. Join Scott Manley (Certificated Flight Instructor – Glider) who will discuss the best way to get started in soaring.
May 16, 2024 | 50 Views
We’ll talk extensively about how to extract more value for your training dollar, attributes of quality training and how to spot ineffective training.
May 16, 2024 | 62 Views
Join EAA staff member and ultralight and light-plane guru Timm Bogenhagen as he discusses the simple rules of Part 103 and tips for getting started. Topics covered, types of vehicles, regulations, costs, training, comparison to sport pilot and LSA.
May 15, 2024 | 91 Views
Learn what it takes to learn to fly. How much testing must I undergo? What is the real total cost of learning to fly? Are there 'hidden costs'? How can I save money along the way? All this and more in this comprehensive look at flight training.
May 15, 2024 | 51 Views
Learn how flight simulation can be leveraged during your training to help you achieve your goals for less money and in less time. Josh Harnagel from Redbird will share all there is to know, and answer your burning questions.
May 14, 2024 | 71 Views
In this webinar, we'll show how to use tried and true study methods using Sporty's Learn to Fly Course to make the process an engaging and meaningful learning experience, and not just another exercise in rote memorization.
May 14, 2024 | 24 Views
Intended for youth and young adults, 10-20 years old: being a professional pilot is often considered a dream job. This webinar can help you prepare for your next steps. And learn how EAA’s new website can help you on your path.
May 14, 2024 | 50 Views
In this session we’ll discuss the structure of a checkride (practical test), and share examiner, instructor, and student perspectives. We will talk thru some strategies to help you, or your student prepare for and conquer any FAA Practical Test.
May 13, 2024 | 106 Views
In this fast-paced webinar, Chris McGonegle, a commercial pilot and Sporty's flight simulator expert, will discuss how to use simulators effectively and how to avoid making mistakes that will degrade your flying skills.
May 13, 2024 | 91 Views
So, you’re ready to jump in and begin your flight training, but where do you start? Join EAA staff member David Leiting cover all you need to know to jumpstart your flight training journey.