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EAA gratefully acknowledges the support of Aircraft Spruce and Specialty Co. for their generous sponsorship of EAA webinars.
Flight Instruction using LODA in Low Mass High Drag Experimentals | EAA Ultralight Days | Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit |
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 1:00 p.m. CDT with Tom Charpentier and Mark Murray |
New FAA rules and policies make it much more attractive than ever before to training in ultralight-like aircraft using a LODA. Join CFI and LODA holder Mark Murray along with EAA staffers Timm Bogenhagen and Tom Charpentier. They will discuss how to use an ultralight-like experimental aircraft for compensated flight instruction with a Letter of Deviation Authority (LODA). FAA WINGS credit. |
Airport Operations and Ultralights | EAA Ultralight Days | Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit |
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 2:30 p.m. CDT with Tom Charpentier |
Over the years, some ultralight owners wanting to operate at public airports have been greeted with a cold shoulder and told “No, you can't fly here.” However, the FAA says flying ultralights is an aeronautical activity that can be accommodated at publicly funded airports, given some special considerations. Tom Charpentier from the EAA staff and government advocacy department will help guide ultralight pilots and airport operators to mutual understanding and development of procedures so ultralight vehicles can safely integrate into airport operations. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit. |
Safety Condition Inspection for Ultralights | EAA Ultralight Days | Qualifies for FAA WINGS and AMT credit |
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 4:00 p.m. CDT with Denny Demeter |
Routine inspections and proper maintenance are a key part of operating "safely.” Some say safety is a mindset — join long-time ultralight owner and pilot Denny Demeter as he shares his mindset on things he has learned over the years to inspect and maintain your ultralight. Qualifies for FAA WINGS and AMT credit. |
Weight Shift Trike Basics | EAA Ultralight Days | Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit |
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 5:30 p.m. CDT with Paul Hamilton |
Weight-Shift trikes (WSC) could be described as motorcycles in the sky. Controlled by shifting weight under the wing hang-point, they have a close connection to the early days of ultralights when hang gliders were powered with small engines so they could rise from level ground. Join Paul Hamilton CFI as he explains trike fundamentals. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit. |
2-Stroke Engines: Secrets to Success | EAA Ultralight Days | Qualifies for FAA WINGS and AMT credit |
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 7:00 p.m. CDT with Brian and Carol Carpenter |
Two-stroke motors have many advantages over four-stroke motors, and work exceptionally well to power ultralight vehicles. However, like most things, proper inspection, maintenance, and operation are required to ensure a long operational life. Join Brian and Carol Carpenter from Rainbow Aviation Services, providers of light-sport repairman training, as they discusses the types of things to keep your engine operating properly. Qualifies for FAA WINGS and AMT credit. |
Chapter Roster Management Tool 101 |
Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 7 p.m. CDT with Serena Brouillette |
Your chapter roster provides vital information on the health of your chapter. Join Charlie Becker and Serena Brouillette for an overview of EAA’s Chapter Roster Management Tool. Learn why it is so important and how your chapter can implement it. |
Stick and Rudder Flying Skills | Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit |
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 7 p.m. CDT with Gordon Penner |
Stick and rudder skills are the foundation for safe flying. Gordon Penner, a master CFI in aerobatics and gliders, will explain the concepts of controlling an airplane in the stick and rudder fashion that promotes safe flying fundamentals. Gordon will highlight modern techniques and principles outlined by Wolfgang Langewiesche in his famous book, Stick and Rudder: An Explanation of the Art of Flying. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit. |
Thursday, February 27, 2025, 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. CDT with Tim Hoversten |
Tim Hoversten, EAA’s technical aviation specialist, counts down the top questions and answers that members are currently asking, as well as sharing EAA resources for legal and medical questions. |
Engine Temps Gone Wild? | Qualifies for FAA WINGS and AMT credit |
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 7 p.m. CDT with Mike Busch |
Last month's webinar by Mike Busch, A&P/IA, discussed the importance of using digital engine monitor data in troubleshooting powerplant issues. But there are times when engine monitors lie and provide bogus information, and it's very important to distinguish such anomalous readings from true engine problems. In this webinar, Mike describes an incident involving a Cessna 182 whose sophisticated engine monitor started reporting pretty scary CHTs and EGTs, and how this was identified as an indication error that was easily cured by the aircraft owner himself. Qualifies for FAA WINGS and AMT credit. |
Ernest Gann Collection | EAA Museum Series |
Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 7 p.m. CDT with Chris Henry and Amelia Anderson |
Ernest Gann was an author of many classic novels that involve aviation. Join us as we discuss the EAA Aviation Museum’s exhibit that honors this great author. |
Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 7 p.m- 8:30 p.m. CDT with Prof. H. Paul Shuch |
Some pilots become flight instructors as a way of building hours toward an airline career. Others do so in order to devote their lives to teaching and learning. In this webinar, Prof. H. Paul Shuch details lessons learned and mistakes made along the path of founding a flight school. |
Grow Your Chapter and the Aviation Community – Host a Flying Start Event |
Thursday, March 13, 2025, 7 p.m. CDT with David Leiting |
May 17, 2025 is EAA International Learn to Fly Day, and your chapter is invited to participate by hosting a Flying Start event! Join this live webinar, and we review how to plan the perfect Flying Start event. These events are the perfect way to grow your chapter, as well as the local aviation community. Topics covered will include event planning, event best practices, and what resources EAA provides to simplify the hosting process for chapters. |
Aircraft Engine Compression Testing | Qualifies for FAA WINGS and AMT credit |
Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 7 p.m. CDT with Bill Ross |
We will debunk many of the myths and misunderstandings surrounding aircraft engine compression testing. Bill Ross from Superior Air Parts will discuss compression testing techniques, borescope inspections, and how to determine cylinder airworthiness. Qualifies for FAA WINGS and AMT credit. |
Worth the Squeeze | Qualifies for FAA WINGS and AMT credit |
Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 7 p.m.- With Mike Busch |
The FAA imposes a lot more burdens on owners of certificated aircraft than they do on owners of experimental amateur-built (E-AB) aircraft. Certificated aircraft require an IA to inspect and bless them every 12 months, may only use FAA-approved parts, and any major alteration requires FAA-approved data (usually an STC) and IA blessing. Is the safety benefit of certificated aircraft worth the additional regulatory burden? In this webinar, Mike Busch compares the accident statistics of certificated and E-AB airplanes and arrives at some surprising conclusions. Qualifies for FAA WINGS and AMT credit. |
The T-6 Texan | EAA Museum Series |
Tuesday, April 8, 2025, 7 p.m. CDT with Chris Henry and Amelia Anderson |
North American Aviation’s classic trainer helped teach U.S. pilots to fly in combat during World War II, but this airplane has done much more. Join us for a special night as we talk about the mighty Texan! |
All About Airspeed | Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit |
Wednesday, April 9, 2025, 7 p.m. CDT with Catherine Cavagnaro |
In this webinar, CFI and DPE Catherine Cavagnaro takes a trip around the airspeed dial and discuss how each of the important airspeeds, from stall to VNE, is determined. We'll also present various phases of flight and emergency situations and see how important knowing an optimal speed can help. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit. |
Night Flight | Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit |
Wednesday, April 16, 2025, 7 p.m. CDT with Lary Bothe |
Join Larry Bothe, an 8,000-hour small airplane pilot and CFI, as he discusses basic information and best practices for flying at night. Topics include the FAA’s definitions of night, airport and aircraft lights, flashlights, and night vision; hazards to night flight, such as obstacles and ground fog, and risk management during night cross-country flight. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit. |
Wednesday, April 23, 2025, 7 p.m. CDT with Vic Syracuse |
Vic and Carol Syracuse have flown their RV-10 to Alaska five times. In this presentation, Vic will walk through the preparations, routing, and recommendations to help you have a safe and memorable trip to Alaska. For those in the Lower 48, flying to Alaska is one of the most memorable flights you can make, and seeing Alaska from the air takes you places inaccessible by any other means. |
Security Violation | Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit |
Wednesday, May 7, 2025, 7 p.m. CDT with Mike Busch |
One of the joys of travelling in a general aviation airplane is not having to stand in long lines going through security, removing shoes and laptops, going through metal detectors, and having luggage X-rayed. GA pilots and their passengers are usually spared the indignities of dealing with TSA, but not always. In this webinar, Mike Busch tells how he ran afoul of the TSA while driving to his hangar to depart on a long cross-country. Upon return, he wound up being escorted off airport property, temporarily losing his airport access privileges, and required to go through remedial security training that was actually quite illuminating. One thing he learned is that TSA has absolutely no sense of humor. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit. |
Ready, Fire, Aim | Qualifies for FAA WINGS and AMT credit |
Wednesday, June 4, 2025, 7 p.m. CDT with Mike Busch |
In aircraft maintenance, the order in which you do things is critical. When troubleshooting a problem, it's essential to gather as much information about the problem before doing repairs or replacing parts. When an aircraft is undergoing its "annual ordeal," it's essential to complete the inspection checklist before starting to fix anything. But, according to Mike Busch, it's amazing how often these simple rules aren't obeyed and maintenance activities are done in the wrong sequence, resulting in a poor outcome. In this webinar, Mike explores the importance of doing first things first and other things afterwards. Qualifies for FAA WINGS and AMT credit. |
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