If you're seeking a new position in the aviation industry, wondering what career options are available, or simply looking for a professional change of pace, the Aviation Job Fair at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh can help make it happen.
Numerous AirVenture exhibitors participate in the Aviation Job Fair, casually meeting with prospective applicants and networking face-to-face in their booths during the week of AirVenture. EAA uploads participating exhibitors’ information into the search tool below, where job seekers can research careers, companies, and available positions in specific states. Information is updated daily.
Job seekers are welcome to visit prospective employers at their exhibit booth any time during AirVenture to ask questions, share résumés, and to help determine if employment with a particular organization would be a good fit.
If your company or organization is interested in participating in the Aviation Job Fair at AirVenture, please contact EAA's Exhibit Office, exhibits@eaa.org.
The Aviation Job Fair is made possible with the support of JSfirm.com.