Become a Volunteer Pilot
Are you ready to join the ranks of nearly 50,000 volunteer Young Eagles pilots? It is volunteers like you who inspire the next generation of aviators, and will help keep aviation thriving for generations to come!
Becoming a volunteer pilot is simple and EAA is here to help you along the way!
Five Steps to Becoming a Young Eagles Pilot
- Be a current EAA member
- Complete EAA’s Youth Protection Training and background check
- Join an EAA chapter near you to participate in a chapter-hosted Young Eagles rally
If you prefer to conduct one-off flights, you can order your own Young Eagles supplies - Prior to the Young Eagles flight, ensure you meet all of the pilot requirements and follow the guidelines listed below
- Complete a Young Eagles registration form before the flight, signed by you and a parent or legal guardian
Young Eagles Pilot Requirements:
The Young Eagles pilot requirements are basic, but MUST be followed.
- Be a current EAA® member and hold an appropriate airman’s certificate (sport pilot or greater).
- Possess a current medical certificate (if applicable).
- Be current to carry passengers in the aircraft you plan to use.
- Have a current flight review.
- Complete the Young Eagles registration form before the flight, including parent or legal guardian signature, and pilot signature.
- Conduct flights in an aircraft that is in airworthy condition.
- Have aircraft passenger liability insurance for the aircraft used (owned, rented, or borrowed) with $100,000 per seat coverage.
- Adhere to all applicable Federal Air Regulations (FARs).
- Complete both the online training and basic background check as a part of EAA’s Youth Protection Policy. For more information visit
Guidelines for Conducting a Young Eagles Flight:
Before the Flight
- Complete the Young Eagles registration form, signed by you and each of your passengers. A parent and/or legal guardian signature is required for all Young Eagles flights.
- Discuss what you will see and do on your flight, including reviewing charts and identifying reference points.
- Stress ramp safety, emphasizing caution around propellers and moving aircraft. No hot loading.
- Conduct a pre-flight inspection and identify the parts that control the airplane.
- Describe the aircraft interior and explain the operation of the aircraft door, safety belts, and shoulder harnesses (if installed).
- Allow time to answer any questions before you start your engine.
During the Flight
- Maintain a common-sense approach to the flight, applying see-and-avoid techniques at all times.
- Plan your flight to be as pleasant as possible. Flights must be completed in Day VFR conditions.
- Participants may follow along on the controls, but you must remain in command of the aircraft at all times. No aerobatic maneuvers, unusual attitudes, or formation flights are permitted.
- Young Eagles must use a seatbelt at all time; no changing of seats while airborne.
- No more than three Young Eagles can be flown at one time.
After The Flight
- Congratulate your new Young Eagle! Reward them with their very own Young Eagles logbook, along with an entry for today’s flight.
- Encourage the young person to activate their Young Eagles Flight Plan benefits by following the directions on the back of the logbook. Benefits include:
- FREE EAA Student Membership
- FREE Access to Sporty’s Learn to Fly Course ($299 value)
- Access to FREE EAA AeroEducate activities
- Ability to earn a FREE flight lesson voucher
Expenses incurred by the pilot (aircraft rental, fuel, oil, etc.) may not be covered or reimbursed.
Young Eagles Insurance Coverage:
As an EAA member participating in the Young Eagles program, you are eligible for an additional $1 million of passenger liability insurance coverage, if you carry a minimum of $100,000 per seat liability insurance. This coverage is automatically in place when flying Young Eagles and the flight registration/waiver form has been complete. In addition to these requirements, you must also meet the current Federal Air Regulations (FARs) for the pilot certificate you hold.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Can volunteer Young Eagles pilots have their fuel and/or aircraft rental paid for by an EAA chapter?
No. All expenses incurred for the operation of the aircraft (fuel, oil, rental, etc.) must be paid for by the pilot. Any reimbursement or coverage of these expenses may be interpreted as compensation for providing a Young Eagles flight.
Can sport pilots provide Young Eagles rides?
Yes! As long as the pilot in command is current and rated to carry passengers in their aircraft, they can provide Young Eagles rides. However, the aircraft must have an N number and carry a minimum of $100,000 per seat liability insurance.
What if the child does not meet the age criteria?
Participants should be between the ages of 8 and 17 (up to the child’s 18th birthday). We encourage you to follow these guidelines. Those over the age of 18 may be interested in the EAA Eagle Flights program. Eagle Flights are one-on-one flights for adults who are interested in learning to fly and may not be combined with a Young Eagles flight. Please visit EagleFlights for more information.
Can Young Eagles fly more than once?
Yes! Research has shown that Young Eagles who participate in more than one flight are more likely to pursue a pilot certificate or get involved in aviation. The Young Eagles registration form must be completed for every Young Eagles flight.
Do I have to belong to an EAA chapter to participate?
No. Any current EAA member may fly Young Eagles, provided they meet the pilot requirements.
Can I fly my licensed experimental aircraft?
Yes. All aircraft are eligible provided they are properly licensed and flown in accordance with appropriate FARs (or your country’s equivalent) and the Young Eagles program guidelines.
Are there any restrictions on flight activities?
All Young Eagles flights must be conducted in Day VFR conditions. No unusual attitudes, formation flights or aerobatics are permitted. All aircraft must shut down between flights (no hot loading). All flights must take off and land at the same airport with no stops in between.
Are there any flight hour requirements to act as a volunteer Young Eagles Pilot?
No - There is no flight hour requirement to fly Young Eagles. The only requirement is that the pilot meet's the passenger currency requirements, and meets EAA pilot requirements of current EAA membership, Youth Protection Training/Background check, and carries their own liability insurance of $100,000 per seat.