Flying an Aircraft You Don't Own

Bob Mackey, senior vice president with Falcon Insurance Agency, Inc., discusses all aspects of the risk and solutions for EAA members who fly aircraft they do not own. EAA and Falcon Insurance Agency are committed to providing the best options available for EAA members who fly aircraft they do not own.

EAA Insurance Solutions: Flying Aircraft You Don’t Own

Steve hasn’t flown in several years but with a new job that gives him more spare time and a little additional income he has decided... Read More

Look Before You Leap — Are You and Your Airplane Insurable?

EAA and its members from day one have always been about building and flying interesting aircraft. Members have built (or acquired) amazin... Read More

Who's On First?

“Who’s on First?” the comedy sketch made famous by Abbott & Costello, has much in common with today’s insuran...

Flying an Aircraft You Don't Own

Bob Mackey, senior vice president with Falcon Insurance Agency, Inc., discusses all aspects of the risk and solutions for EAA members who...

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