Chapter Eligibility and Requirements
See what it takes to qualify your chapter as Ray Aviation Scholarship Fund eligible.
Scholar headsets provided by:
The Ray Aviation Scholarship Fund is a scholarship program that is supported by the Ray Foundation, managed by EAA, and administered through the EAA Chapter network. Through the generous support of the Ray Foundation, EAA will provide up to $10,000 to deserving youths for their flight training expenses, totaling $1,200,000 in scholarships annually.
Due to the critical nature of the local chapter to the success of this program, chapters interested in participating in the program must be prequalified by EAA through an application process.
Important: 2020 chapter WizeHive submission portal is separate from the 2019 chapter WizeHive submission portal. Returning chapters will use the same email and password to log in created for the 2019 application.
The 2019 chapter WizeHive submission portal will still be used for the submission of 2019 Ray Scholar progress reports.. To access the 2019 chapter portal, click here.
New for 2020:
Webinar: Ray Aviation Scholarship – 2020 and Beyond
The Ray Aviation Scholarship is supported by the Ray Foundation. To learn more about James C. Ray and the Ray Foundation, click here.
See what it takes to qualify your chapter as Ray Aviation Scholarship Fund eligible.
Find all the program materials and resources you need to administer a successful Ray Scholarship at your chapter.
Checkout what it takes to earn this flight training scholarship and additional recipient requirements.
Find all the program materials the chapter and scholar need for a successful Ray Aviation Scholarship Program.