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EAA Chapter Tool Crib Program

Goal: Encourage EAA Chapters to improve their support of members building and maintaining aircraft.

Summary: EAA will match 30% of qualified tool purchases up to $300 per chapter for 2019/2020 until the $30,000 grant is exhausted.

It is common as an aircraft builder to need a tool for a specific operation that is simply too expensive to justify purchasing for a few uses. A great example of this is the Nicopress tool needed for swaging control cables. This tool makes the job infinitely easier and provides a much higher quality than other options. And yet, Nicopress tools typically cost around $300 and are only needed a couple of times on an aircraft.

This is where an EAA Chapter can provide help by having a shared tool program. In order to encourage chapters to establish or expand their tool offerings, EAA members Ray and Penny Bowman and the Burgher Fund have donated $30,000 to establish this matching tool fund.

The philosophy behind our list of tools that qualify for reimbursement is:

  1. Only needed occasionally during a build or for maintenance
  2. Expensive to purchase
  3. Correct tool for a quality outcome

Requirements for reimbursement:

Chapter Tool Crib Reimbursement Form


Downloadable resources:

EAA Chapter Eligible Tool List [PDF]

EAA Chapter Tool Crib – Sample Program [PDF]

EAA Chapter Tool Crib – Sample Check In/Check Out Sheet [PDF]

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